Wednesday, December 26, 2007


My scripture reading today had me in Galatians 4 and I felt the spirit leading me back to verse 18: "It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good, and to be so always and not just when I am with you". The word zealous is an adjective and means 'actively and unreservedly enthusiastic'. I felt the spirits nudge to dwell on this verse and ask myself, as Paul was asking the new testament church, what am I zealous about? My goal, my purpose this new year is to get to know God more, to Love Him more and where is God most revealed but in the scripture? Though I have grown up a Christian and am quite familiar with my faith, I have learned there is so much more to be gained. Faithful time spent daily in Bible study and prayer over the last 4 years has made me only hunger for more. But I have to honestly ask myself, am I truly zealous for my God-'always and not just when I am in my quiet time'?
Our family blended almost three years ago and we started a family tradition to have a birthday cake for Jesus each Christmas and to give Him a gift from our heart. We write this gift on a small card, seal it in an envelope and place it in a Christmas tin can to be viewed the following year. It was humbling to open the card and see what I had given my Lord the previous year. I seem to come up short. Last year I vowed to spend more time in his word (I did and have had a year of amazing spiritual growth and renewal) but I also vowed to memorize His word more. Ouch. I failed in this one. I have a scripture jar in which I place those verses that have special meaning from my Bible study in. The purpose of the scripture jar is to reflect back on these verses later. I place scripture throughout my house or on my car visor or work bulletin board next to my desk from time to time when I need to be reminded of it's significance in my life. But it's not enough. One learns to hear God's voice by knowing Him and His word and what better way to hear the Lord then through scripture memorization. When you are faced with something and scriputre comes to your mind at that time-that is the Holy Spirit at work for you-God's voice. I want to hear His voice daily and in all things! As I wrote out my hearts gift to Christ this year I didn't repeat the vow of scripture memorization (partly because I am afraid of failure again), but I do hunger and thirst after His word and I hope to overcome this failure this year!
What are you zealous about? Is it the kids? Scrapbooking? Your ministry? Your job? Can you get vulnerable enough as I did this morning to ask yourself how zealous you are in your walk with God? Does your relationship with your Lord show enthusiasm throughout the whole day or just in your quiet time? Are you a Sunday morning Christian or a women who seeks God with her whole heart and in all her day?
Lord, forgive us when we do not place you first in our life,
when we fail to call on You in all situations-good or bad,
when we do not spend time with you
in your word, in prayer and in silence
so that we are equipped to hear Your voice.
Fill us with Your joy and peace as we learn to trust in You
so that we may overflow with hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).
Guard and protect our heart, our mind, our words,
and be manifested and glorified in our actions this day. Amen
In His Graces~Pamela

1 comment:

Lelia Chealey said...

Sorry I'm commenting so much...I noticed you had Beth Moore Get out of the Pit as a favorite book. I just finished that & it was incredible!
Enjoyed your blog-I'll definitely be back my friend!
Many Blessings~