Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ants, Ants & More Ants

Sunday as I was planting some flowers and setting up our back patio, I put the grill cover back over the grill where it belonged. It had been lying over the deck railing for about a week. I think the grill had cooled off within that time, don't you? As I unfolded it and pulled it over, I open up the vinyl to a huge nest of ants. It's springs! Here was all these tiny busy little creatures all over this covering. I quickly went to the garage and got our handy dandy killing spray and attacked these poor creatures. Needless to say, the battle isn't over as I had thought.

This morning as I ventured down for my first cup of coffee guess what I found on my kitchen counter? Yelp! An ant. I conquered him and proceeded to have my quiet time. When I went back for my second cup of coffee guess what I saw again? Not just one ant but more ants than I cared to see!! The windows in our house are old and they are scheduled to be changed out in May but right now, my old kitchen window sits above the grill and it is apparent that I didn't win the battle of the ants on Sunday. Solomon must have had ants too...

Ants are creatures of little strength,
yet they store up their food in the summer;
Proverbs 30:25

As I fight my battle this morning with these creatures, I am reminded how easy and quickly other "unwanted" things enter into my life: sins like busyness, attitudes, selfishness. If I don't keep grounded in God's word, how easily they over take me. Satan is quick, constantly at work against us, and I have to make sure there are no areas of weakness and leaks which will allow him to enter in and consume me.

Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones.
Learn from their ways and become wise!
~Proverbs 6:6

On the positive note, I can look at these little unwanted creatures invading my home and seek to also be like them-committed to the task at hand: to love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind and soul. To work diligently at carrying on the ministry He has called me to which is to draw others to Him and His salvation. To be his busy servant!
In the end, I want the ants gone! Is it May yet? I want my new windows!!!

In His Graces~Pamela

This week I have 22 ten page scholarly papers to grade. I will probably be caught up in this for a few days but I want to remind you that I am so blessed when I visit each and very one of your post. Blessings to you all!!


Yolanda said...

Satan is quick.

Girl...is that ever an understatement!

I love how you can put your thoughts down and have such a visual of what God desires of us.

Love to you!


Amy said...

Nice observations, Pamela.....So true, so true!

God Bless,

Joyful said...

Well...sounds like you'll be as busy as a little ant over the next little while. Thanks for the great teaching in this post. Praying the Lord will help you accomplish all that must be completed over the next several days!