Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yes to God Bible Study-Chapter One-The Map

I was excited to be starting this Bible study but since we started reading this book have you noticed life is hitting us with issue's from within it's chapters? Talk about making us walk what we are studying...ouch. He is making us real ladies!

In the introduction of "What Happens When Women Walk in Faith", Lysa stated (1) in order to go to a new level of faith, you must leave the old behind-I did that in my preparation for the She Speak conference and I am living at a new and improved level of faith!! (2) when your comfort zone is gone, you'll learn to depend on God like never before-He is the one I want to depend on. My only comfort zone is my 'come to Jesus' devotion chair. My dependence is reaching a whole new level with Him and it is exciting, challenging but exciting! (3) Believing God becomes too real to deny-this walk in faith has brought God to a more personal level. All those years of knowing who He is but now I am experiencing Him in a new way-I KNOW Him. (4)Coming to the end of your ability to make things happen is the only new way to life with Him-emptying my self to allow more of Him...it is a death process, painful, yes-but holds promises in the end! (5) the real joy isn't on the dream itself but rather in the richer faith you acquire along the way-now that is what I am after-richer faith!! The map of my life is this journey of building my faith, my relationship with my Lord.

"Though I still didn't know HOW God could possibly use me, I knew He could find a way. Though I didn't know WHEN God could use me, I knew the timing was in His hands. Though I didn't think I has much to offer, I knew God would fill in the many gaps. I simply knew God was calling me, inviting me, wooing me to something with His fingerprints all over it. And that was enough. ~Lysa TerKeurst (pp. 14)

Yes. This is where I am. God is testing my heart and mind, calling me to obedience in the small things and the big things, equipping me to serve-my husband and family, my ministry, my patients and students. I am not qualified, but He will qualify me. I am aligning my perspectives of my life to His calling, to honor Him, not redeem myself. It's not about what I can do in ministry but what God can do in and through me. Though satan comes to steal my new joy, to kill my spirit in Christ, to destroy the hope I have in my God (John 10:10), Jesus comes to give me fullness of life-completion. He fills any void I experience, He removes any emptiness that tries to steal my joy. He takes my insecurities and weaknesses and molds them into workable traits to strengthen me for His glory.

The Map...my dream? Serving in ministry, along side with my husband. Living in the spiritual-constant with my Lord.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.~Hebrews 10:35&36 (NIV)

Confidence+Perseverance=God's Promise

I, like Lelia, like you, choose to be confident in Him, to persevere in Him and to hold onto His promises. Hang on ladies...I think there is going to be more turbulence as we venture through these chapters. As satan attacks, God will be there, we will be there for each other and in the end, our walk in faith will have equipped us for that next step towards His calling in our life.

My husband and I are looking for your thoughts with a youth ministry workshop we need to give at youth camp. If you have time, please stop by my previous post and leave me your thoughts in this...and your prayers! My husband is also having some real work issues to contend with. He may be forced to resign for his own sanity. I am ready for him to do so and to pick up the extra load with my work. Please pray God will provide for us and for my husband in the awful stress he is being put in. Again, thank you! ~Mrs JoeB


Yolanda said...


I say a big amen, Sister. Some of what you have shared it is high lighted BIG TIME in my book.

I added the Lysa TerKeurst quote to my blog page, for it speaks VOLUMES of placing Higher Grounds out on a blog.

May we all, continue to empty us of ourselves, not missing the mark, keeping our eyes ON THE PROMISES GOD HAS FOR US. Why? Simply, He is The Promise!

Love ya,

Amy said...

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."~Hebrews 10:35&36 (NIV)

These verses offer so much comfort. I am being attacked so many ways right now, especially physically, which spills over to me emotionally. But God's Word (paraphrased) says, "Hold On! Don't give up!"
And that is what I am trying hard each day to do. You are right when you say, "It is exciting and challenging" following the Lord.

I'm looking forward to more of this study...I'm sure with the month I have ahead of me.....I will need it.

God Bless,

Laura said...

Hey, you! I love to read what stood out to you in these words. isn't it amazing how He spoke to us all in different ways? this is so much fun, I'm glad I joined you all this time!

Paula V said...

Great insights to this chapter. i posted a comment on Lelia's blog but I'm not posting on my own this week. I also referenced Lysa's comment on the bottom of page 14. When I read that, my heart leaped out and said "that's me, that's me."

Your take on this chapter is good.

Sandra Garcia said...

Hi Pamela,

You are so right that we are all under attack, more so because we are studying God's word. I'm also amazed and blessed by all the different insights I'm coming across as I read everyone's posts.


Amy said...

Hi Pamela!
I just wanted to drop by and tell you, when you get a chance, stop by my blog tomorrow...I have something for you.:)

Laurie Ann said...

I love your thoughts on this chapter. God bless you as you "walk in faith". I'm so excited to do this study. It's a great book, isn't it?

Michelle said...

Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog. I pray for you as you continue to walk in obedience and for your husband's job situation. God will be with us! Blessings!

Lelia Chealey said...

I really like how you laid this post out Pam. Very good to see what God is doing in our lives. I agree, I think the ride is going to get bumpy before smooth but Praise Him before,during and after the journey! Love traveling this road w/ you Pam!!