I with Lelia, our fearless facilitator in this blog Bible study from What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa TerKeurst, can't believe this book is at its end!!What a wonderful journey this has been to travel with each and every one of you and to read your insights into these chapters written by Lysa. Here is my heart and thoughts on these next two chapters, Lysa is quoted in the bright pink!Chapter 18:A Promised Made is a Promised Kept
"He is looking for those souls who are willing to press close to His heart and hear the cries of the forgotten."
Who are the forgotten? Are they only in another world or can they also be in our backyard? I thought of our little Worknesh we have adopted through Compassion International this summer. I long to give him what we have. My heart was sadden by Lysa's desire to adopt Sergei. I e-mailed her assistant Holly to find out what had happened in that situation since this book is copyrighted 2005. Holly stated that government has closed all adoption channels and the TerKeurst cannot advance forward with this. How incredibly sad for them all. But he is not forgotten, he lives in their heart and now ours. Because of a compassionate heart, a ministry called Compassion International was started and little Worknesh is not forgotten either. Is this all that we can do? I think not. I am confident there is so much more we can do when we walk in faith. Who are we being called to reach out to in the name of God? Who is feeling forgotten that sits in our pews on Sunday morning, in our neighborhoods, at the grocery store line, etc? God calls us to reach out wherever we are. Are we up for the challenge?
"FAITH stands for Forsaking All, I Trust Him"
I feel this truly sums it up when we look at what it means to walk in faith. Forsaking everything that holds me back, everything that takes away my attention, everything that wants to control me...forsaking it all so I can trust Him! Chapter 19: God Brings Dreams to Life
This chapter I highlighted a lot. I have grown frustrated in my attempts to grow our church women's ministry. I felt God nudge my heart in this direction and yet no one has the time, the desire, or the commitment to grow this ministry also. I ask God, Why? What is wrong? Is it me? Did I not hear you correctly? Why does it seem that no one else "hungers and thirst" as I do? Why do I feel alone in this?The pastor acknowledged my heart for women's ministry and also is aware of the frustrations I am experiencing. He shared his mother had encounter the same thing and sometimes we have to "step back...for a time" as she did. Our church is in a building campaign and there are people in the congregation who do not support our growth and the need to build a bigger church building. This drama has hindered so many ministries within our church-not one is unaffected at the moment. We need your prayers in this. So do we let this dream go? Do we put it on the back burner? Do I let go of the need to help women grow in Christ?
"Though she still didn't know how, I pray she knew God could find a way. Though she didn't know when, I pray she now knew the timing was in His hands. Though she didn't even think she had much to offer, I knew God would fill her gaps. I pray she simply knew God was calling her, inviting her, wooing her to something with His fingerprint all over it, and that would be enough."
Okay Lord...so I just continue this walk in faith...forsaking all I trust you."The joy of the journey is not simply reaching the promise land. The real joy was experiencing God throughout all the phases of faith."
Yes..your right Lord, you have been there..your have truly been there and I am thankful. You are my joy...despite it all, there is such great joy!
"Neither the journey nor the promise land will give my heart what it truly desires. I have to walk with God daily and let Him have His way in my heart. I have to embrace the struggles as well as the triumphs, the joys and the sorrows, the deaths and the resurrections. No shortcut or quick fixes will help me become the women God wants me to become."
God, Plant your desire in my heart. Make your dream my dream and lead me on.
"Walking closely with God gives us a more keen insight of our desperate need for Him."
I am desperate for you Lord. I want to be in your word constantly. I can't breath, I can't sleep without your Presence in my life. As Beth Moore said in my devotional book this morning (Breaking Free Day-by-Day)- "I wouldn't trade the relationship with Christ that I discovered in my desperation for all the spotless track records in the world". AMEN and AMEN!!
"...the important thing is not what you do for God but rather that you come to know and believe Him along the way."
I believe. I know. I lay this ministry down to you. If it is to happen, you will make it happen. I just want to be walking this faith journey beside you.
Thank you for being here today.In Him~Pamela
What a journey it is and isn't it amazing how are lives are matching up with every chapter we read. Your words about reaching the lost and lonely in our own backyards really hit me - these people aren't just across the ocean, they are in our midst. What am I doing about it? Sometimes it's scary for me to think about reaching out to the people I know because I worry about their approval and I know that's not what God wants. It truly is a journey, one where I know I'm growing closer to Him and more confident in Him. What a blessing to walk with Him and you as well.
This post was very encouraging to me today. My husband and I have both been waiting on a promise from God for seven years now, and sometimes I can become so frustrated. Not in God, as much as myself and my understanding of what He has told me.
So, this statement really struck me~
"Though she still didn't know how, I pray she knew God could find a way. Though she didn't know when, I pray she now knew the timing was in His hands. Though she didn't even think she had much to offer, I knew God would fill her gaps. I pray she simply knew God was calling her, inviting her, wooing her to something with His fingerprint all over it, and that would be enough."~
Thank you for this encouragement today, Pamela. My heart really needed to hear these words.
God is absolutely enough!
God Bless,
These were my two favorite chapters so far. I'm so sad to learn that the TerKeurst's were unable to go through with the adoption. I wondered about that too. How sad for Sergei. But, as Lysa said, the moments she shared with him will have a lasting impact in his life. I hope one day they will find one another.
bless you, Pamela!
Pam you always encourage me when I read your blog. Stay faithful to the women's ministry. Remember - God's timing. He'll work it out. I know you'll remain faithful as you wait on Him.
I just love this..."...the important thing is not what you do for God but rather that you come to know and believe Him along the way."
I too have felt like I wanted our Women's Ministry to do more. It's a good thing....so why doesn't it happen? I think it will in God's time. Several of our Women just went to a Weekend Women's Retreat and I think they too realize that we need to do something more than just say "hi" each week in church. I trust God will work out a Study for our Women too. Never give up,keep praying, right!!
Hey, Pamela! We're at the beginning of a building campaign, so I can sense where y'all are! It makes a lot of things challenging!
I loved your post, and I just want to encourage you to keep the faith, girlfriend! If you sense that God wants you to continue this ministry, then you continue. It may not be pretty--for a while! But in His perfect timing, it will come to fruition and be a beautiful thing. I've been at our church for 18 years, and this is the first time that leap of faith has been taken! I will be right there holding your hand--only a 1000 miles away!! Please feel free to email me! I would love to chat with you. You're in my prayers.
Hi Pamela,
I am getting so much from this book too. It's awesome. I am so glad that I came along for this study.
When I started the little Bible study at my house... things just didn't go like I planned. BUT... they did go just like God planned. Even if you only find one women in your church that hungers for God like you do... go for it. God will show up.
Keep on believing and trusting God. He never disappoints.
Just wanted to say that I found your site today and was very encouraged by your posts. Thanks sister!
Awesome Pam! I love seeing things through your eyes. I'm glad you followed up on Sergie...how disheartening.
This book has been an amazing journey together.
Only one more chapter to discuss. :(
I clicked on your blog from my bloglist and got your Sept 9 posting so I read and will comment.
First, I was surprised when you said you contacted Holly about Sergei. I did too!!!!
I too have a passion for a Women's Ministry at church. The church I used to attend has a growing one. I've been at my new home church for 8 months and have a great ladies' group. The leader of that, another young lady, and myself are all praying for a Women's Ministry. There is a women's fellowship that does some things within the church but we are wanting to expand yet not step on the older ladies' toes.
I love what Beth said about not trading her relationship with Christ from desperation for any clean track record. I too have had a deeper relationship with Christ through my desperation and I can't go back to anything if it means not having Him in this manner. I want my marriage healed but not if it means I lose myself again and lose the closer walk with God.
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