Pam at Grey Like Snuffie host this wonderful blog activity of connecting a piece of scripture to a letter in the alaphbet. Click on the icon above to read everyone's take in this and be so blessed! This week, it's the letter....
The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness.
He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the KEY to this treasure. ~ Isa. 33:5&6 (NIV)
He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the KEY to this treasure. ~ Isa. 33:5&6 (NIV)
The fear of the Lord...yes we all know that is a treasure to have in our life. But I really like this verse referencing KEYS...
I will give you the KEYS to the kingdom of heaven. What you lock on earth will be locked in heaven. What you unlock on earth will be unlocked in heaven." ~Matt. 16:19 (HCSB)
Humm...the KEYS to the kingdom of heaven? Jesus is talking to Peter and acknowledging that Peter is right in identifying Christ as who He is-the foundation on which the church stands. Jesus then referenced Peter as a small "stone" in the foundation of God's church and because of his faith, he now holds the keys for kingdom work. The same holds true for us today. Our belief in Christ, our faith also awards us the KEYS Jesus is talking about here.
We have power as the children of God to bind the forces of darkness, and to loose the work of God. God has given us that authority over these spirit forces, these spiritual entities, that as children of God, we do have authority over them. We can bind these spirit forces and we can loose the work of God. ~ Chuck Smith, Blue Letter Bible Commentaries
Do you hold the KEYS to His Kingdom work?
His Maidservant~Pamela
Wonderful....I'm glad this is going to be a quiet day...I'm reading so many scriptures this morning that I want to come back to in my own Bible later. Hope you have a grand day Pamela!
Keys...It really is an amazing verse that God will give us those keys that lock and unlock. Blessings on your day...
I can't help but think of a song that I enjoy immensley from Aaron & Jeffrey, "The Keys, Please."
Do you know this song?
Awesome! As his children we have these powerful keys. How wonderful to think about that power.
Kathy b
Blessings Pamela...Simply wonderful HE not only holds the KEYS to the KINGDOM but He gives the KEYS to us! And to know that the fear of the Lord is the KEY of this treasure ...justice, righteousness, He is our Sure Foundation! Thank you Pamela for sharing the KEYS of the LORD. Thank You Jesus for the KEYS! Great insights!
Wow. Awesome verse. It is terrifying and yet amazing to think that we hold the keys to the kingdom! Oh that we ask for His wisdom and grace too go with them!
I like being the holder of the keys to an extraordinary kingdom and the secrets therein. God is gracious and kind to allow us the privilege. May we always be careful to unlock the treasure for others rather than hoarding in selfish keeping.
Blessed Sunday rest to you, Pam. Hope things are improving on the home front.
The commentary on the keys to the kingdom is wonderful.
Pam I enjoyed this and I'm so thankful that our precious Lord has provided the keys to us. I pray that I will share HIM with others always so that they too can receive His awesome gift and sacrifice that they too can share in the keys to the Kingdom.
I stopped over to see how God is speaking through "In His Graces."
Oh, the depth you share! There's so much here -- a blog rich in Biblical treasures.
One of my favorite posts here is "But God." That's one of my favorite phrases lately. I love to ponder all the "but God" moments in my life and in the transformed lives of others.
Blessings to you.
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