Monday, April 5, 2010

Follow The Leader!

Ladies....I have been swamped in a new Job and have so little time to linger here. I miss being in this blog world and soaking up your words from God. I know that many of you may be stopping by long after the Easter holiday but I wanted to share with you an e-mail devotional I received from one of our favorite youth speakers we have had at our camps....
He Finished So We Could Get Started!

John 19:30 NKJV
So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!”

During this season of Resurrection awareness, my mind has been doing some extra searching and digging on the traditions we follow. Like many, I grew up celebrating the holiday festivities that involved eggs, candy, church programs, and bunnies, yet I was often totally unaware of the call and commission of the bloody cross and empty tomb. Sure, we would give Jesus the credit for “getting up out of that grave,” but that was about all.

Today, however. I am seeing more to His story. Let me explain. When I read chapters 19 and 20 of John the other day I saw the Savior declaring a two-fold message. First, He was saying “I give my life to be the One, the First, to brave the sin-filled waters of human history and set the record straight.” Then, after rising from the grave, I hear Him saying, “Now it’s your turn. Get up and put your life on the line, don’t be afraid, you are in good company.” For me, that changed my attitude when it comes to the traditional festivities. This is no longer a time of “let’s celebrate as we remember what the Hero did.” And after we are finished eating, drinking and whatever else, we close down the subject until this time next year. Not so for me and my family, anymore.

It’s time to follow the leader and stop hiding behind what He did on the cross. Each of us has our own crosses to bear and graves to bust out of. That is why the Lord gave us the Holy Spirit to help us. The world will not shake and awake without us. I encourage you to join me. Quit tip-toeing around the perimeter of the water of sacrifice and suffering and jump in. Until we do, we will continue to blend in with the mediocre and mundane modern-day mayhem that consumes the culture of today. Don’t worry, God won’t let us drown. He finished, so we could get started.

Biblical Meditation: Romans 8:29 AMP For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren.

YES!! It's time to stop hiding behind what He did on that cross and to follow the LEADER!! I hope you were as blessed as I was with this take of the Easter message. To learn more about Lorenzo and his family ministry just click on his name.

Believing Him~Pamela

1 comment:

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Where my heart has been as well this Easter season. Truly, I've walked it in more depth this year and was glad for Easter morning. Ready to take my place in the kingdom pilgrimage.
