Tuesday, September 1, 2009


One of the best things I have done this year is joining the Siesta Scripture Memory Team. Though I struggle to retain these verses in my head, over and over they have come back to me during just the right moment. My new verse for the first part of this month is a GOLD NUGGET hidden deep within the Old Testament. I came across it a few months ago when stressed with one of my girls and have used it to pray for her and the situation. I have found my mind referring back to this promise of God so many times this past month so I share this GOLD NUGGET with you, my blog friends who happen to wander over...

"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" ~ Jeremiah 32:27

Is that just the most precious verse to carry around with you in this life? What a promise!!

My ministry partner and I have been studying together this concept of "holiness" and have been in a most amazing book by Jerry Bridges titled "The Pursuit of Holiness". It was in this study that I found the verse above. It has been one of those studies that when we are convicted of a stronghold or sin from one weeks chapter, we find the topic addressed in the next weeks chapter. It's like the book was written just for us!

There have been an abundance of "God-things" and an abundance of convictions. Last night was all about meditating and equipping your mind, a necessary step to authentic holiness. It was a confirmation of what I have been doing and a conviction I need to do it more-this meditating and memorizing scripture!

"As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the LORD. "My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever," says the LORD. ~ Isaiah 59:21

Ahhh....the eternal rewards of meditating and memorizing scripture! Focusing on the eternal significance of what life deals me and my actions towards it has been a move towards holiness, an imagine I still can't image for this sinful soul of mine.

"It is by willing, prayerful and persistent obedience to the requirements of the scripture that godly patterns are developed and come to be a part of us." ~ Jay Adams

What better way to correct, train, or mold our moral character than the act of meditating and memorizing scripture.

I know for me, this has only come about because I have a set time to spend with God each morning reading and studying His Word, and planned time of reviewing my siesta scripture memory cards as I drive to and from work (the silence in the car is so sweet). This walk towards holiness has developed my desire to hear the Word more fully and I am in the process of training myself to meditate on the Word. It has required discipline in this crazy, busy schedule, BUT meditation leads to obedience which leads to a change in patterns of living. YES! That change is worth the daily battles. So needless to say here, perseverance plays a huge part in this holy living.

Jerry Bridges in this chapter "The Place of Personal Disciple" encouraged us to ask three questions as we study scripture and I want to share them with you:

1. What does the passage teach concerning God's will for a holy life?
2. How does my life measure up to that Scripture; specifically how and where do I fall short (be specific and don't generalized)
3. What definite steps of action do I need to take to obey?

I think I will apply this to my journaling each morning...kind of like the S.O.A.P method of studying Scripture I had shared here. I hope this is a GOLD NUGGET for you!! I hope you too are spurred towards holy living. Blessings!

His Maidservant~Pamela


pam said...

Perfect timing for the Jer. verse...I just started a Tues. morning coffee time with some ladies and this was so wonderful to share with them as a memory challenge verse.

Pat said...

I LOVE the Pursuit of Holiness and I LOVE that scripture in Is:21. I have it on an index card on my desk right now!!!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I am not familiar with Bridges' book, but it sounds like a read I would completely "dig"! I love the practical steps you outlined for studying Scripture. I've been meditating on the book of Mark as of late. Just yesterday, I came across some verses that I've never really paid attention to. I've always thought about the mustard seed and how it compares to our "faith", but this passage is about something different:

"Again, he said, 'What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.'" (Mark 4:30-32).

God's planting of his kingdom begins with a small seed planted but grows to harvest abundantly...

I found some pictures today of mustard seeds/plants. I'm sure there's post in there somewhere, but I like to ponder before writing.

Anyway, all that to say I just wanted to stop by, make a connection and let you know I think of you often. My life is as busy as ever with many new steps of faith along the way. Take good care and keep in touch as you can.
